Monday, April 06, 2009

Lawn Salad Challenge

Q: How many edible weeds can you fit in a spring salad? A: As many as you can find! Seriously, how about 8 for starters? Most can be found in an ordinary suburban garden, and can usefully and tastefully pretty up a basic cos lettuce or if you must buy it, a bag of salad leaves from the supermarket. Oh yes - I don't want to be accused of cheating, so flowers count as one ingredient; flowers and leaves of the same plant also one ingredient. here's my score card for 19 March 2009: a lot came from my garden lawn but I also looked in the flower beds and on the veg patch too.
Common Daisy Bellis perennis - young fleshy leaves and freshly opened flowers
Primrose Primula vulgaris Very young leaves and flowers
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale - young leaves and older ones with the midrib removed
Sweet violet Viola odorata flowers - beautifully scented and slightly peppery
Chickweed Stellaria media - leaves minus stems which are a bit stringy
Ground elder Aegopodium podagraria young leaves, still shiny and crinkly have a celery-like flavour
Honesty Lunaria biennis seedlings - another peppery crunch element
Common Dock Rumex obtusifolius - very, very young leaves and only a couple they can be quite bitter and dominating as a flavour.
A few places are still available on my wild food in the woods course 17-19th April 2009 -save money and eat healthily by getting the essential wildfood collecting, cooking and eating knowledge - outdoors!

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